Here's my Bio.
Just Me

There I was, it was the first month of 2020 and I wanted to learn to play the guitar, being I had always enjoyed music and singing. So, I bought a guitar and started in-home lessons. Then the pandemic hit and all of a sudden, I had more time than I knew what to do with. At least I had my guitar to concentrate on. And after all, when you are learning something new, practice makes perfect. So, I practiced and practiced and am still practicing in search of that perfection. In the meantime I’ve built out a library of songs that I love to sing and play.

I started to tire of my four walls and wanted to get out in front of people. Started playing in the park on nice days. Did a few open mics. Finally found my niche at a local strip mall. I’m sandwiched between the Starbucks and the dry cleaner, in front of the gift shop. The owners keep asking me back and the patrons give me a big smile as they walk by. But that’s not my true goal. I want to be a street performer. I’ve gotten close when I head to the street as fans of an upcoming pro football game pass by. I sure enjoy the banter and even get a sing along going once and a while. Now that’s fun! I really get close when I summer in the north country along Lake Superior. I play my library each day while I enjoy the beautiful lake view. Again, taking in my share of smiles for reward.

I’ve added a 12-string guitar which produces a ringing, churchy, full sound. I have a couple of songs where it really makes a difference if I play them on the 12-string. And am always on the look-out for more.

Realizing the most versatile instrument is me, I’ve started taking voice lessons. What an eye opener. I really didn’t realize what a difference good voicing can make. We started from the basics and I do see some progress but I’ve also recognized I have a long way to go.

I continue to check out places to play (hence the guitar-around-town) and put my name in at farmers markets and festivals. I am self-contained so I fit in anywhere and being I’m not amplified, am only so loud. Hope to see you somewhere around town!

Our local cable televison station did a segment on me and you can see it here.