Here are some mementos.

This sketch was given to me by a young lady who sat in her car with her window open while I sang a couple of songs. I thought she was just drinking her coffee but when I was done she walked over and handed this sketch to me saying "you made my day".

I felt the same way.

Thank You

At times you wonder if what you're doing is appreciated . . . and then this note of thanks for playing my songs at a farmers market. Sometimes along the path you are rewarded with fine people.

Consider this payment in full.

Starbucks Card

A lady stuck her head around the corner as I was playing at a strip mall and said she had been trying to catch me to give me this Starbucks card. I guess I know how that business owner feels about me playing in front of her store.

We should have more of that, playing in-front of stores that is.


I was practicing in a park and a couple of young boys walked on by, then turned around and one of them reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change (98¢). He held it out to give to me, I declined and told him to buy ice cream with it. He said he already had a cone and motioned again for me to take it.

I couldn’t turn him down.

Dairy Queen

A young lady stood infront of me seaching through her purse and came up with this gift card. She told me this was all she had. As if to ask me if a sweet treat of ice cream was OK.

I think I'd be fine with getting paid in ice cream!


I finished playing at a farmers market and a lady came up to me and asked if I would stop by her stand before I left. She said she wanted to show her appreciation for entertaining her and her customers and gave me a trout fillet from their trout farm.

Good eatin'.


A lady came out of a store that I was playing next to and said "glad to see you today". She later came back with this cup of brickle sweets. Yum! It was full at the time but before I could take a picture, I tried some. A little more than some it looks like.

Thank you!

Water Bottle

Doesn't sound like much, but after you've been singing for over an hour, a cold drink of water is exactly what you need. So next time you see a street performer, keep them going by quenching their thirst.

You will ultimately hear the difference.


I bought a kazoo the other day and it came in this package. Look close and you will see a note from the manufacture, “Adult supervision suggested”.

Maybe that is a way to spread the fun!